This work here is connecting nature to nature, my passion for nature is strong. I enjoy the wildlife and the environment. My attempt to connect that, is through natural materials. My inspiration was from the symbolic stag, one of the most widely known wildlife creature's in the world. 
Materials used 
- Sticks, stones, pine cones, tree bark, marbles,  artificial moss, artificial rose, and hot glue 
This work here was experimenting with cardboard and crafting it in new ways beside packaging. Creating a wearable head covering using cardboard and string. This project was combining organic and geometric shapes, both shapes compliment each other by their heavy contrast.
Materials used
-Cardboard, string, and hot glue 
One of my favorite projects that I crafted combining myself and my own spirit animal. I chose the tiger that expresses courage, power, and strength. The tiger has been my go-to ever since I was young.  I find a close connection to what the tiger symbolizes-  courage, beauty and power. It also instills motivation for me based on its symbolism. 
Materials used 
The collection of works below are ceramic pieces that I crafted. These pieces were made to be used, the vase would be used for gardening or holding liquid. The smaller pieces would be used as  cups, and the other's to hold smaller items.
Materials used 

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